免責聲明 Disclaimer


  • 當閣下上載3D設計時,請保證上載的3D設計是閣下的創作,而不是從任何第三方複製而來,又或者閣下擁有該3D設計的知識產權。閣下需保證此3D設計不會侵犯第三方的知識產權。若果所上載的3D設計侵權和/或違反任何法律,我司將不會對此3D設計所產生的所有直接和間接損失以及所產生的費用負責。當懷疑閣下的3D設計侵犯了第三方知識產權時,我司有權審查並拒絕此3D設計的打印訂單。
  • 並非所有3D模型都適合3D打印。如果3D模型的複雜性和設計不能滿足打印要求,閣下需要將3D模型作更改以符合打印要求。

Disclaimer: 3D Printing Service:

  • The client is responsible for the uploaded 3D design that is original creation and not copied from any third party or it possess the intellectual property rights of the design. If the uploaded 3D design is found to be infringe and/or in violation of any law. Our Company is not liable for all direct and indirect damages and costs arising from the 3D design. We have the right to review and refuse any order when the 3D design appears to infringe third party intellectual property rights.
  • Not all 3D models are suitable for 3D printing. If the complexity and the design of the 3D models cannot meet the printing requirement, the client is responsible to adjust the 3D model to be printable.


  • 閣下有責任確保3D掃描中所要求的物件不侵犯第三方的知識產權,並同意不會就我司3D掃描閣下所要求的物件做成之任何損失或損害負責,或負上任何法律責任。
  • 如果物件的復雜度或設計上超出3D掃描技術所限,我司不能保證3D掃描結果能與實際物件保持一致。

Disclaimer: 3D Scanning Service:

  • The client is responsible for ensuring that the objects required in 3D scan will not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. Our Company will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused by 3D scanning of the objects requested.
  • If the complexity or design of the object exceeds the limit of 3D scanning technology, our Company will not guarantee that the 3D scanning result can be consistent with the actual object.